Image Access Partner Limeksofis has successfully integrated a total of 43 Bookeye® 4 V2 Professional scanners for the purpose of digitizing the document archive of the Land Registry and Cadaster of the Turkish Republic.
The project requirements are to digitize two different types of bound material in the Ankara, Eskisehir and Konya regions:
I. Cadastral entries
II. Documents such as deeds and other attested certificates
Because the documents are oversized, Image Access reconfigured the book scanners, tailoring them to the specific needs of the job. In total, around 750,000 documents were scanned. Operators simply had to open the respective job in the apprporiate workflow and press the scan button. The preset scan parameters ensured that no manual errors were created and the scans were automatically saved in the correct place in the system.
The book scanner Bookeye® 4 V2 Professional is suitable for digitization projects that require high quality and maximum productivity even in 24/7 operation. Templates up to DIN A2+, such as books, magazines, posters, folders or bound documents of all kind, are digitized by this overhead scanner with high speed and a maximum resolution of 600 dpi.