Every two years, Image Access hosts an International Partner Conference in Wuppertal, Germany. This year, more than 60 sales partners from all over the world will join us for the 5th International Partner Conference July 3-5, 2019; for three days of conferencing, interaction with colleagues from other countries and lively after hours events.

Participants, who come from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas; enjoy not only the informative and educational conference program but also the opportunity to exchange ideas with and get to know their counterparts from all over the world. In an informative company tour, participants see where and how Image Access produces its WideTEK® and Bookeye® families of scanners and can meet the employees they may already know from emails or phone calls. As in past years, Image Access invites its sales partners to stay in the beautiful Golf Hotel Vesper, which is always an elegant venue for both the conference and dining.

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