In August, Image Access trained technical employees from three different distribution partners and provided them hands-on experience and the technical know how to service the WideTEK® and Bookeye® family. Using typical support scenarios, working with the scanners – attendees were given the opportunity to open the scanners, perform service tasks and then reassemble the equipment as they would in a normal support case. After the training, attendees were awarded certificates acknowledging their successful participation.
Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn setzt erneut auf Bookeye Buchscanner
Die renommierte Universitätsbibliothek Paderborn vertraut, nach einer erfolgreichen Nutzung des Buchscanners Bookeye 4 V3 Kiosk seit 2017, nun erneut auf die Scanner der Image Access GmbH aus Wuppertal. Dank der einfachen und intuitiven Bedienbarkeit, der Read more…