Image Access’ technology partner, SprayVision, offers a unique industrial paint quality and efficiency control system which is tailor made solution based on the technology of WideTEK® 12 and 25 flatbed scanners. Their solution, SprayCapture, is primarily implemented in the automobile industry for analysis of Spray patterns and efficiency of spray robots by spraying a test target, scanning it, and using their software for analysis of the resulting scan.

SprayCapture analyzes the volume and distribution of paint sprayed by paint robots such as the one in the photo above. Spray Capture A3 is used for customers using spray guns with an elliptical shaped cone. Spray Capture A2 is sold to customers who want to analyze rotary bell patterns.

What seems like a highly specialized, scientifc application to a layman is actually a standard in the automotive industry and SprayCapture can be found in the factories of some of the largest names in the industry.

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