Image Access, together with the Dutch partner A-Vision Imaging BV, exhibited at the Museum Vakdagen at the Evoluon in Eindhoven on April 17 and 18, 2019. They presented the fine art scanner WideTEK 36ART and the WideTEK 25 flatbed scanner with backlight option. 

Rob d’Haen from A-Vision Imaging BV and Thorsten Rink from Image Access showed visitors how simple and intuitive it is to digitize and reproduce works of fine art like oil and acrylic paintings, watercolors, charcoal and pastel drawings, mixed media collages and antique works of art; in 3D-like images that show all surface textures, from the finest stroke of the brush to  gouache painting techniques and the contours of antique artwork.

Local artists could evaluate the scanners and digitize some of their own artwork, e.g. Angela Bogaard and Kees van der Velden.

Even artwork made of glass with metal frames can be easily digitized with the WideTEK 25 backlight option

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