From October 10-13, 2023 Image Access Partner Forefront Technologies exhibited at the International Congress on Archives (ICA) in Abu Dhabi. The ICA Congress takes place every four years and aims to capture the best examples of archival and records management achievement. As such, Bookeye is an integral part of the conference’s product exhibition. This year, there were over 5,000 visitors to the Congress, representing 135+ countries.

At the Forefront Technologies booth in Hall 11, the Bookeye® 5 V2 Archive was exhibited. The Bookeye® 5 V2 Archive is suitable for digitization projects that require high quality and maximum productivity even in 24/7 operation. Originals up to A2+ in size such as books, magazines, posters, folders, or bound documents of all types, can be digitized at high speed and a resolution of up to 600 dpi.

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