Impressions of the 2019 GITEX Exhibition

From October 6-10, 2019, Image Access coexhibited with longtime distributor and partner in the Middle East, Forefront Technologies, at the 39th GITEX Technology Week in the Dubai World Trade Center, United Arab Emirates.

Presenting the Bookeye 4 V2 Semiautomatic book scanner, scanning 700 pages per hour and the fastest wide format sheet feed scanner on the market, WideTEK 36 CL, drew a very high number of interested participants to the booth.

GITEX (“Gulf Information Technology Exhibition”) is an annual consumer computer and electronics trade show, exhibition, and conference that takes place in Dubai. Its exhibitions in the Middle East have attracted a large number of exhibitors and attendees. This year, over 4500 exhibitors and over 100,000 attendees participated.

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