Watch CEO Thomas Ingendoh discuss Image Access and the future of the machine vision market

From October 6 to 8, 2024, Image Access exhibited at VISION 2024 in Stuttgart, Germany. VISION is the world’s leading trade fair for machine vision and provides an overview of all important trends, suppliers and innovations in the machine vision market.

Image Access exhibited at this highly specialized trade show, to demonstrate their WideSCAN scan line bars and other image processing solutions. The scan line bars come in four different lengths: WideSCAN 12 (305mm), WideSCAN 24 (610mm), WideSCAN 36 (915mm), and WideSCAN 48 (1220mm), and are suitable for a wide range of machine vision inline inspection and other scanning applications. These scan line bars are based on standard CIS (contact image sensor) technology but feature a longer focal range, allowing room for glass flats, transport guides or drums and other hardware.

Detailed specifications, scanning speeds and product brochures are available on the WideSCAN web page. The scan bars come at unbeatable prices of only € 100 per inch which translates to € 1.200 for the WideSCAN 12, € 2.400 for the WideSCAN 24, €3.600 for the WideSCAN 36 and €4.800 for the WideSCAN 48. This means that solutions are much more affordable than the competition, making machine vision imaging a real possibility on the factory floor.

You can visit Image Access’s YouTube channel for more videos or visit our homepage for details on the entire range of Image Access scanning solutions.

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