Organized by our distributor Al-Ola Modern Systems, Image Access solutions were presented at a digitization seminar at the Tolip Plaza Hotel in Cairo, Egypt on February 24, 2025.

The seminar focused on innovative digitization solutions from Image Access and was truly a great success.

Approximately 50 attendees, high ranking from governmental organizations, educational sector and industry attended and had hands-on experience with the products showcased at the seminar.

Attendees had hands-on experience with the large selection of Image Access scanners on display.
Attendees had hands-on experience with the large selection of Image Access scanners on display.

Al-Ola Modern Systems has been a distributor in the region for Image Access since 2008. Many thanks to the team at Al-Ola for perfect organization of this event.

A huge thank you to the Al-Ola Modern Systems team for making this event truly memorable.
A huge thank you to the Al-Ola Modern Systems team for making this event truly memorable.

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